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Picture of Honduras in North AmericaNorth America: Fruit transport (Transportation in Honduras)Picture of Uganda in AfricaAfrica: Table with seats on the southern and northern hemisphere (Shops in Uganda)
Picture of Myanmar (Burma) in AsiaAsia: Street tailor in Pathein (Jobs in Myanmar (Burma))Picture of Italy in EuropeEurope: Gondola parking in Venice (Transportation in Italy)
Picture of Australia in OceaniaOceania: Kangaroo in Australia (Animals in Australia)Picture of Peru in South AmericaSouth America: Young man playing football in Nazca (Games in Peru)
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Japan controlled Korea up until the end of World War II; at the end of this era, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to divide the country into two sections by splitting it at the 38th parallel, with the Soviet Union influencing northern Korea and the United States presence in the south
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