DierenHonduras has a rich animal life, and has about 725 different bird species. The native ... meer KlimaatThe Honduran climate is tropical with cooler, more temperate weather in the mountains. The north ... meer VoedselThe every day staple food in Honduras is tortillas. With that you will often get ... meer WerkWith 28%, the unemployment rate in Honduras is extremely high. About 34% of the labor ... meer NatuurMountains cover more than two thirds of Honduras. The Central Plateau, with its high ridges ... meer Mensen90% of the Honduran population is Mestizo (a mixture of Amerindian and European). 7% of ... meer GeloofThere is no state religion in Honduras, but far most people consider themselves Roman Catholic ... meer VervoerBuses are the the most common way to get around in Honduras. The buses are ... meer WinkelsThe bigger cities in Hoduras have shopping malls and many other kinds of shops. Throughout ... meer BijzonderhedenThe archaeological site of Copán is located in western Honduras, and represents a classic period ... meer HuizenThe gap between the wealthy and the poor is very pronounced in Honduras. Impoverished families ... meer StratenHonduras has more than three-fourths of its land area is covered by mountains and that ... meer |