World -> Jordan


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Picture of People in JordanPeople: Young man and boy on a mulePicture of Nature in JordanNature: Rock bridge in Wadi Rum Desert
Picture of Specifics in JordanSpecifics: South Theater of JerashPicture of Streets in JordanStreets: Desert road in Wadi Rum
Picture of Jobs in JordanJobs: Driver and tourists taking a break in Wadi Rum desertPicture of Religion in JordanReligion: Inside Mount Nebo monastery
Picture of Animals in JordanAnimals: Mules in PetraPicture of Transportation in JordanTransportation: Ships in Aqaba
Image of flag from Jordan
Image of map of Jordan
Image of position in world of JordanClick to see country in continent: Jordan
Capital: Amman
Population: 6,5 mln
Surface: 92,300 sq km
Languages: Arabic
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Did you know?

The capital of Jordan, Amman, was called Philadelphia when it was still part of the Roman Empire
If you're interested to find out more about Jordan, read travel stories from Jordan
Listen to Arabic
Image of money from Jordan
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