AnimauxThe fauna of Spain includes among others wolf, lynx, wildcat, fox, wild boar, wild goat, ... encore NourritureFamous from the Spanish kitchen is tapas which can be something as simple as a ... encore MaisonsArchitecture in Spain is an exotic mix of early Moorish influences, European trends, and surreal ... encore TravailA major part of the workforce (64.6%) in Spain is employed in services. The other ... encore GensAlthough being quite ethnically homogenous, the Spanish people display great regional diversity, and separatist tendencies ... encore RéligionThere is no state religion in Spain, but Roman Catholicism is the main religion in ... encore MagasinBig and modern shopping malls, exclusive shops, antique shops, markets and any other kind of ... encore ParticularitésThe architect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) studied at the Escola Superior d'Arquitectura in Barcelona. Over the ... encore JeuxFootball (soccer) is by far the most popular sport in Spain, but cycling and bullfighting ... encore TransportationFor getting around within the country can be done by plane, train, car or bus. ... encore RuesStreetlife in the cities of Spain tends to be lively and busy at most hours ... encore ClimatSpain is extremely hot during mid-summer, in July and August. The rest of the year ... encore |