Monde -> Cambodge


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Foto de Gens - CambodgeGensFoto de Ecoles - CambodgeEcoles
Foto de Célébration - CambodgeCélébrationFoto de Rues - CambodgeRues
Foto de Réligion - CambodgeRéligionFoto de Travail - CambodgeTravail
Foto de Particularités - CambodgeParticularitésFoto de Transportation - CambodgeTransportation
Foto de Magasin - CambodgeMagasin
Image du drapeau du Cambodge
Image de la carte de Cambodge
Image de la position dans le monde de CambodgeFaire clic pour voir le pays dans son continent: Cambodge
Capital: Phnom Penh
Population: 15,0 mln
Superficie: 181.040 km2
Langues: Khmer
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The Cambodian flag was designed around 1850, and has three horizontal bands of blue (top and bottom) and red (central) with a depiction of Angkor Watt in the center. The flag was abandoned during the Khmer Rouge years and the occupation of the Vietnamese. The flag was readopted in 1993 after the first general election secured the return to monarchy
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Image de monnaie de Cambodge
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