AnimalesIndia is home to mammals such as the Asian elephant, Bengal tiger, Asiatic lion, leopard, ... más ComidaThe staples of Indian cuisine are rice, atta (whole wheat flour), and a variety of ... más GenteIndia is the world's second most populous nation (after China). Its ethnic composition is complex, ... más ReligiónMore than four-fifths of Indians practice Hinduism, which is native to the Indian subcontinent. Islam, ... más EscuelasThe Indian school system is divided into preprimary, primary, middle, secondary (or high school), and ... más EspecialidadesTaj Mahal: The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Agra, India. The Mughal Emperor ... más TransporteThe bigger cities in India have metro systems. The Mumbai Suburban Railway commutes 6.1 million ... más TiendaThe bigger cities in India have modern shopping facilities such as modern centers and exclusive ... más TrabajoIn India, agriculture employs about 62% of the workforce, manufacturing & construction makes up for ... más NaturalezaThe landscape of India is diverse, ranging from snow-capped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, rainforests, ... más CasasAbout 50% of dwellings in India are considered to be in good condition and 44% ... más CallesRoads in India are generally of a poor standars, and the number of traffic casualties ... más JuegosHockey, in which India has an impressive record with eight Olympic gold medals, is officially ... más |
Haz clic para ver el país en su continente: India
Capital: New Delhi
Población: 1,2 bln.
Superficie: 3.287.590 km2
Bengali, Guyarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Marati, Urdu, Inglés, dialectos locales |
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The Taj Mahal, the tomb Shah Jehan built for his wife in India, took twenty two years to build employing twenty thousand laborers
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Source: CIA World Factbook
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