ClimateAbout 15 percent of Sweden lies within the Arctic Circle. It usually has cold winters ... more HousesIn Swedish cities and towns, people either live in apartment buildings or in houses; some ... more PeopleSome 90 percent of the nine million people living in Sweden are of ethnic Swedish ... more ReligionSweden has no state religion, but was until 2000 Lutheran, and some people do consider ... more ShopsIn Sweden you can find whatever type of shop you need, be it malls, stalls, ... more StreetsStreets in Sweden are usually paved and in good condition. In towns and cities streets ... more TransportationMany Swedes have private cars, and Swedish roads are generally good. Another popular way to ... more SpecificsThe Ice Bar in Stockholm is made entirely of ice, including all the interior, walls, ... more AnimalsAlmost the trademark of Sweden is the moose. The moose is the largest deer animal ... more JobsThe Swedish workers enjoy benefits, by law or by union contract, that include five weeks ... more SchoolsVirtually the entire adult Swedish population is literate. Education is free and compulsory between ages ... more