DierenIn Myanmar's jungles, tigers and leopards can be seen. In Upper Myanmar's highlands, the elephant, ... meer VoedselThe main diet for people in Myanmar consists of boiled rice that is eaten with ... meer SpelenThe national game of Myanmar is Chinglone; the object of the game is to keep ... meer VervoerAbout 12 percent of the roads in Myanmar are paved with most of them being ... meer StratenStreets in Myanmar's towns are often unpaved and dusty exept for the capital Yangon that ... meer BijzonderhedenBagan: Bagan is an archaeological zone of more than 2,200 temples and pagodas on the ... meer WinkelsIn Yangon there are many different kinds of shops, from shopping malls to markets, shops ... meer GeloofMyanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country with Buddhism of the Theravada school being practiced by ... meer MensenMyanmar has a population of 51 million and consists of 135 ethnic groups with their ... meer NatuurMyanmar has nature varying from the vast central agricultural plains to snow-capped mountains in the ... meer WerkMost people working in Myanmar are working in agriculture, primarily rice cultivation. A smaller amount ... meer KlimaatMyanmar has three distinctive seasons: the hot season, March to May with average temperatures 30-35°C, ... meer