VoedselEgyptian cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean, Arabian, and Turkish cuisines. Common ingredients used in ... meer WerkMany Egyptians are employed in the public sector as well as in agriculture and privately ... meer HuizenThe vast majority of Egypt's inhabitants live in the Nile valley and delta, and the ... meer MensenThe population of Egypt is about 72.6 million. The biggest ethnic group in Egypt are ... meer GeloofEgypt is predominantly Muslim, at approximately 95% of the population, with the majority being adherents ... meer WinkelsMarkets, shops and stalls are found everywhere in the country. In Cairo and Alexandria can ... meer BijzonderhedenPyramids: The group of pyramid complexes of the 4th Dynasty pharaohs of Khufu, Khafre and ... meer VieringRamadan is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the ... meer StratenTraffic in Cairo can be rather overwhelming as traffic is dense and if traffic regulations ... meer KlimaatExcept for aorund the Mediterranean coast Egypt has a desert climate which is hot and ... meer ScholenEducation is free and compulsory in Egypt for all children between the ages of 6 ... meer DierenDomestic animals in Egypt include buffalo, camels, donkeys, sheep, and goats. Crocodiles are found only ... meer SpelenThe most played and most watched sport in Egypt is Football. Egyptian Soccer clubs especially ... meer NatuurEgypt has shorelines on the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It borders Libya to ... meer