MensenRoughly 60 percent of Djiboutians are ethnic Somali, the predominant group in the south, and ... meer NatuurMost of Djibouti (90%) is a volcanic desert. Djibouti has amazing and unique landscapes such ... meer GeloofIslam is the state religion in Djibouti. The government generally respects the individual's right to ... meer StratenDjibouti City has a reputation of being a messy and dirty city. It is true ... meer VervoerMost transportation in Djibouti is done by bus or four-wheel drive. Buses are usually very ... meer Klimaat Djibouti has a semiarid climate that is very hot and dry. There are two ... meer DierenIn Djibouti can be found hedgehog, bat, wild dog, African ass, desert warthog, gazelles of ... meer HuizenHouses in Djibouti City are mainly French colonial style, as the city was built by ... meer ScholenEven though education is free in Djibouti, only 29 % of children complete a full ... meer WerkBy Djiboutian law, the standard workweek is 40 hours, often spread over six days. These ... meer