MaisonsMost homes in the capital were built during the Communist regime after World War ll, ... encore TravailRomania has a workforce of about 9.3 million people, or some 42 % of the ... encore GensAbout 89.5% of the people of Romania are ethnic Romanians. The largest minority in Romania ... encore RéligionRomania does not have a state religion, but the majority of the country's citizens ( ... encore MagasinBucharest has some modern shopping malls, as well as traditional markets. Romania is not known ... encore TransportationThe main means of transportaion in Romania is the train, as it runs more frequent ... encore ParticularitésNicolae Ceauşescu: Nicolae Ceauşescu was leader of Romania from 1965 until December 1989, when a ... encore RuesRoad conditions vary widely throughout Romania. While major streets in larger cities and major ... encore EcolesKindergarten is optional between 3 and 6 years old. Schooling starts at age 7 (sometimes ... encore ClimatRomania has hot, sunny summers and cold, cloudy winters. The average July temperature is 70 ... encore JeuxAs in so many other places in the world, football, or soccer, is the most ... encore