NourritureTraditional Norwegian cuisine is mainly based on the raw materials available in a country dominated ... encore MaisonsIn urban areas people mainly live in either semi-detached houses of apartment buildings. In the ... encore TravailMost Norwegians, about 75%, are employed in services. The second largest sector is industry, and ... encore NatureAlmost 70% of Norway is uninhabitable and covered by mountains, glaciers, moors, and rivers. Norway ... encore GensThe residents of Norway are predominantly ethnic Norwegians who are of North Germanic descent although ... encore RéligionThe state church of Norway is The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway. Most Norwegians are ... encore MagasinAll kinds of shopping facilities are present in Norway, from modern malls and shops to ... encore RuesStreets and roads in Norway are in general in very good condition. Streetlife in winter ... encore TransportationTransportation in Norway can be done by train, plane, bus, ferry or private car. For ... encore EcolesThe Norwegian school system can be divided into three parts: Elementary school (Barneskole, age 6-13), ... encore JeuxNorwegians have the special advantages of abundant space and often living close to nature. Cross-country ... encore