GensOf the approximately 8 million inhabitants of Austria, 98% speak German. The six ethnic groups ... encore RéligionAmong religions in Austria, Roman-Catholic Christianity is the predominant one being the religion of about ... encore ParticularitésThe Sigmund Freud Museum in Berggasse 19 in Vienna is the apartment house where the ... encore MaisonsMost buildings in Vienna are relatively low; there are around 100 buildings higher than 40 ... encore RuesStreets in Austria are usually well paved and in fine condition. The streets of Vienna ... encore TransportationVienna has a large public transportation network including metro, trams and buses. Throughout Austria are ... encore NourritureAustrian cuisine is in many ways similar to German cuisine, but is also influenced by ... encore JeuxLike everywhere in Europe and most of the world, soccer is extremely popular in Austria. ... encore TravailAbout 67% of the workforce in Austria are engaged in service, 29% in industry, and ... encore